So this year, I think I'm going to try something a bit different than last time I did a year of blogs. I think I'm going to try and post either a short scene/story or a poem every Thursday all year long, starting today. I haven't been writing half as often as I should like to, after all, and I think this will get me back into writing once more, and it will get the blog active again! Yay! So, I suppose, welcome back! I hope you all enjoy the new scenes and thoughts.
I have seen a boy with low credit,
I have seen a boy with low credit,
At age five,
Because in order to have a phone,
His mother put the bill in his name,
And could not pay.
I have seen two parents with degrees,
Two teachers,
Unable to send their only son,
To college because two college grads,
Are not paid well.
I have seen educated women,
Flipping meat,
College degrees in their back pockets,
Without connections for a good job,
In their learned field.
I have seen men, who risked their own lives,
Homeless now,
Who gave all their self, their minds and bodies,
And now live trapped, no purpose, alone,
Their support gone.
I have seen these immoral forced acts,
Choices gone,
People stuck in ways they did not choose,
Punished, for not being born with
Silver or gold spoons.